The Second International West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Workshop Sunday, December 8, 2013, San Francisco, USA
workshop will present and discuss the WAMME Experiment II results and other
relevant West African climate research, the publication of a special WAMME issue
and a BAMS paper, the dissemination of the WAMME II results to climate science
community and to the West African community for societal application. The
Workshop will also discuss outstanding issues for further West African monsoon
research and future plans for WAMME III. Any themes consistent with the AGU
WAMME session announcement are also welcome.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 October, 2013
Workshop Organizers: Y. Xue (yxue@geog.ucla.edu), W. Lau, A. Boone, W. Thiaw, I. Seidou Sanda
Local Workshop Organizing Committee Members: Dr. Fernando De Sales (Abstract submission, fsales@ucla.edu); Dr. Yu Gu (International coordinator; gu@atmos.ucla.edu); Dr. Kyu-Myong Kim (Internal Coordinator, Kyu-Myong.Kim@nasa.gov); Dr. Zhenqiu (Jack) Zhang (Website, zhangzq@geog.ucla.edu)