The 1st WAMME Workshop Announcement |
Dear All,
Our proposal for a session entitled “West African Monsoon and its Modeling”
at the 2013 AGU Annual meeting has been approved. You may find it on the AGU
Fall Meeting Web Site under “Atmospheric Section A072”. This session
has also been co-sponsor by Biogeosciences, Global
Environmental Change, Hydrology, Nonlinear
Geophysics, and Ocean Sciences
Sections. The announcement of the session is attached in
this email. Please distribute it to interested scientists encouraging
them to submit an abstract to this session. Please submit the
abstract before 6 August, 2013. AGU has very strict rule on this
deadline. No exception.
We will also organize the International WAMME-II workshop during the 2013
AGU meeting. The last WAMME Session at the 2008 AMS Annual
Meeting was very successful, and eventually a WAMME/AMMA special issue in Climate
Dynamics was produced in
2010. The WAMME II Workshop will be on Sunday, 8 December, 2013.
Bill is working with the AGU meeting organizers to schedule the A072 session
in the earlier part of the conference week, so that it takes place close to
the workshop. The WAMME-II workshop will present and discuss the WAMME
II results and other relevant West African climate research, the publication
of a special WAMME issue and a BAMS paper, the dissemination of the WAMME II
results to
climate science community and to the
West African community for societal application. We
will also discuss outstanding
issues for further West African monsoon research and future plans for WAMME
III. Several African scientists will attend the workshop.
Many WAMME modeling groups have submitted their results. For those who
have not submitted, please do so soon. The preliminary results have
been presented at the 2013 EGU AMMA session. We believe this WAMME II
experiment will bring some important results for West African monsoon
research. In addition to the group papers, we encourage each
group to write papers based on, or relevant to, WAMME II for the special
issue. Ruby and Samson of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has
completed a first WAMME II paper, which is about ready for submission.
For those who will complete papers earlier, please feel free to submit them
early. We are targeting Climate
Dynamics for the special
issue because it is low cost and has a very supportive editorial board.
If you have papers submit earlier, you may also consider Climate
Dynamics. It may be a chance to include in the special issue.
The last WAMME special issue was published very quickly under CD editorial
board support.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions/questions. We
hope the WAMME AGU session and the Workshop will promote more West African
climate research in U.S., as well as our collaborations with the West
African scientists and scientists worldwide who work on the West African
WAMME Working Group