West African Monsoon and its Modeling
AGU Atmospheric Section A072
Global Environmental Change,
Nonlinear Geophysics, and Ocean Sciences
The West
African Monsoon (WAM), a major component of the global climate system, possesses
one of the strongest long-term (multi-decadal) signals in the 20th century
associated with the Sahel drought. Despite
the progress in WAM studies, better understanding and proper simulation of WAM
at different scales and WAM association with external forcing
(ocean, land, aerosols) remains a
daunting task. This session focus on (1)
intercomparison and evaluating skills of global and regional climate models in
simulating the WAM rainfall and relevant processes; and identification of major
challenges, weaknesses, and uncertainties that still remain in modeling the WAM;
results from WAMME, AMMA, ALMIP, and other intercomparison are welcome, (2)
representation of major WAM characteristics and attribution to possible
mechanisms at different time scales, and (3) studies using data from various
sources for model evaluation and improvement. Please
submit the abstract before 6 August, 2013. AGU has very strict rule on this
deadline. No exception.
Yongkang Xue, Bill Lau, Aaron Boone, Ibrah Seidou Sanda, and Wassila Thiaw
A11G. West African Monsoon and Its
Modeling I Posters
Yongkang Xue (Univ California Los Angeles), William Lau (NASA GSFC),
Wassila Thiaw (Climate Prediction Center) and IBRAH SEIDOU SANDA (AGRHYMET
8:00 AM - 12:20 PM; Hall A-C (Moscone South)
AM - 8:00 AM |
A11G-0130. Evaluation of water and energy cycle
simulated by different land surface models over the
Gourma Sahelian site in Mali (ALMIP2 project).
grippa manuela; Kergoat Laurent; Boone Aaron;
Christophe Peugeot; Jerome Demarty; Bernard Cappelaere |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0131. West Africa Monsoon Changes in the CMIP5
Projections: Lessons from Idealized Simulations.
Michela Biasutti |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0133. On the relationships between Sahel
precipitation, SST teleconnections and jet streams: a
wavelet analysis
Churchill Okonkwo; Belay Demoz |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0134. How well do land surface models reproduce the
water and energy cycles in the West African monsoon
system ? Evaluation over the Upper Ouémé basin, Benin
(ALMIP2 project)
Christophe Peugeot; Aaron A. Boone; Jerome
Demarty; grippa manuela; Kergoat Laurent; Bernard
Cappelaere; Béranger Awessou; Jean-Martial Cohard;
Sylvie Galle; Tania Gascon; Augusto Getirana; Basile
Hector; Ossénath Mamadou; Aloïs Richard; Josiane
Seghieri; Luc Séguis |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0135. Interannual variability of vapor isotope in
West Africa and its relation to ENSO
Atsushi Okazaki; Yusuke Satoh; Guillaume Tremoy;
Francoise Vimeux; Kei Yoshimura |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0136. Sahel rainfall variability as simulated by
the CAM4 model and its associated atmospheric dynamics
Catherine Pomposi; Yochanan Kushnir; Alessandra
Giannini |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0137. The present and future of the West African
monsoon: a process-oriented assessment of CMIP5
simulations along the AMMA transect
Romain Roehrig |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0138. Future changes in the African monsoon
analysed with 8 CMIP5 models: contrasted rainfall dipole
and delayed withdrawal.
Paul-Arthur Monerie |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0139. Extratropical North Atlantic SST influence on
Sahel rainfall
Yuwei Liu; John C. Chiang |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0140. The Annual Cycle of Moist Convection over
West Africa
Matthew A. Janiga; Hanh Nguyen; Chidong Zhang;
Chris D. Thorncroft |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0141. RegCM Experiments in the Second West African
Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0143. Intraseasonal Variability of the West African
Monsoon in a Regional Climate Model
Ghassan Alaka; Eric D. Maloney |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0144. Impact of burned area on African seasonal
climate in regional modeling
Fernando De Sales; Yongkang Xue; Greg S. Okin |
AM -8:00 AM |
A11G-0145. The performance of a coupled SVAT and DGVM
model over six decades in West Africa
Stephen D. Prince; Guoqiong
Song; Yongkang Xue; Peter Cox; Zhengqiu Zhang |
A13M. West African Monsoon and Its Modeling II
Xue (Univ California Los Angeles), William Lau (NASA GSFC), Wassila Thiaw
1:40 PM - 3:40 PM; 3001 (Moscone West)
1:40 PM - 1:50 PM |
A13M-01. West African Monsoon in the MRI-AGCM3
Masahiro HOSAKA; Akio Kitoh |
1:50 PM - 2:00 PM |
A13M-02. Precipitation interannual variability and predictions
for West Africa from the National Multi-Model Ensemble dataset
Wassila M. Thiaw |
2:00 PM - 2:10 PM
A13M-03. The Multidecadal Atlantic SST - Sahel Rainfall
Teleconnection in CMIP5 simulations (Invited)
Chris D. Thorncroft; Elinor R. Martin; Ben Booth |
2:10 PM - 2:20 PM |
A13M-04. Effect of multi-decadal variation of SST on rainfall
and dust transport over West Africa and northern Atlantic Ocean
Kyu-Myong Kim; William K. Lau |
2:20 PM - 2:30 PM
A13M-05. Impact of aerosols and atmospheric physics on regional
climate model simulation of the African monsoons hydroclimate
Wilfran Moufouma-Okia |
PM - 2:40 PM
A13M-06. Evaluation of West African Monsoon Processes and
Feedbacks: Second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation
Project Experiment (WAMME II)
Yongkang Xue; William K. Lau; Aaron A. Boone; IBRAH
SEIDOU SANDA; Wassila M. Thiaw; Leonard Druyan; Wamme Team |
2:40 PM - 2:50 PM
A13M-07. The relationship between the equatorial westerlies,
upper-level zonal flow and interannual variability of the West
African monsoon
Sharon E. Nicholson |
2:50 PM - 3:00 PM
A13M-08. Climatology and dynamics of nocturnal low-level stratus
over the southern West African monsoon region
Andreas H. Fink; Robert Schuster; Peter Knippertz;
Roderick van der Linden |
3:00 PM - 3:10 PM
A13M-09. Intra-seasonal variability and predictability over West
and Central Africa in northern spring (Invited)
Serge Janicot; Pierre-Honore Kamsu-Tamo; Andre Lenouo;
David Monkam |
3:10 PM - 3:20 PM
A13M-10. Development of West African Rainy Seasons (Invited)
Kerry H. Cook |
3:20 PM - 3:30 PM
A13M-11. The regional impact of Land-Use Land-cover Change (LULCC)
over West Africa from an ensemble of global climate models under
the aupsices of the WAMMEII project (Invited)
Aaron A. Boone; Yongkang Xue; Ruth Comer; Fernando De
Sales; Samson M. Hagos; Kathleen Schiro; Guoquiong Song; Guiling
Wang; Zhichang Guo; Sarith P. Mahanama |
3:30 PM - 3:40 PM
A13M-12. Representing soil moisture – precipitation feedbacks in
the Sahel: spatial scale and parameterisation
Christopher Taylor; Cathryn Birch; Douglas Parker;
Françoise Guichard; Grigory Nikulin; Nick Dixon |