The 2nd WAMME Workshop

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  The 1st WAMME II Workshop Announcement
  The 2nd WAMME II Workshop Announcement
  Workshop Agenda
2013 West African Monsoon and its Modeling  Session


Workshop Agenda


San Francisco, Sunday, December 8, 2013 



I. Introduction: Xue, 1-1:05pm


II. Past WAM studies and new horizons in WAM researches (Invited):  1:05pm-2:05pm (Chairs:  Thiaw; Boone)


Janicot, Serge (University Pierre et Marie Curie, France), Christopher D. Thorncroft, Doug J. Parker, Arona Diedhiou, Ernest A. Afiesimama: The second Phase of the AMMA program. New challenges and first results.


Fink, Andreas (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Peter Knippertz:  The Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project 


Lamb, Peter (Univ. of Oklahoma):  The Weather-to-Climate Continuum and Sahel Rainfall.


Biasutti, Michela (Columbia Univ): West Africa Monsoon Changes in the CMIP5 Projections: Lessons from Idealized Simulations


Peugeot, Christophe (HSM, IRD, France),  Aaron Anthony Boone, Jerome Demarty, grippa manuela, Kergoat Laurent, Bernard Cappelaere, Béranger Awessou, Jean-Martial Cohard, Sylvie Galle, Tania Gascon, Augusto Getirana, Basile Hector, Ossénath Mamadou, Aloïs Richard, Josiane Seghieri, Luc Séguis: How well do land surface models reproduce the water and energy cycles in the West African monsoon system ? Evaluation over the Upper Ouémé basin, Benin (ALMIP2 project)


Panel Discussion (every speaker is panel member): 20 minutes



III.  Preliminary WAMM II results: 2:05pm-2:45pm (Chairs: Lau, Seidou Sanda)


Xue, Yongkang (UCLA) and Boone, Aaron (Meteo France)

Panel Discussions: 15 minutes



VI. WAM research in Africa (Invited):  2:45pm to 3:20pm (Chairs: Lau, Thiaw)


Ernest A. Afiesimama (Nigerian Meteorological Agency) and and Eniola A. Olaniyan: Current Interseasonal and Interannual Variabilities of West African Climate.


Ibrah Seidou Sanda (Centre Régional AGRHYMET, Niger) and Y. Xue: Realistic land use change effects on the West African Climate using a regional climate Model,  


Mouhamed LY (Universté Cheick Anta Diop, Senegal/Centre Régional AGRHYMET, Niger): Advance analyses of temperature trends in the Sahel, and their relation to precipitation trends


Dieudonne P. YAKA (Burkina Meteorological Authority); Benjamin Sultan; Felix Tarbangdo; Wassila M. Thiaw: Prediction of meningococcal meningitis epidemics in western Africa.


Panel Discussion (WAM Research in Africa will be presented): 11 minutes


Break: 3:20pm to 3:45pm.



V. New WAM Research Highlight:  3:45pm-4:30pm (Chairs: Seidou Sanda, Boone)


Lau, William K.M. (GSFC/NASA), Kyu-Myong Kim and Peter Colarco: Effect of multi-decadal variation of SST on rainfall and dust transport over West Africa and northern Atlantic Ocean


Ma, Hsi-Yen, Carlos Roberto Mechoso Yongkang Xue, Heng Xiao, J. David Neelin, and Xuan Ji  (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory): On the connection between continental-scale land surface processes and the tropical climate in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system


Chin, Mian (GSFC/NASA), Dongchul Kim, Thomas Diehl: Multi-decadal dust aerosol trends in North Africa and tropical North Atlantic: What are the driving forces?


De Sales, Fernando (UCLA), Yongkang Xue, Greg S Okin: Impact of burned area on African seasonal climate in regional modeling


Panel Discussion: 17 minutes



VI. New WAM Research:  4:30pm- 5pm (Chairs: Boone, Thiaw)


Ibrahima Kalil Kante (University of Dakar (UCAD), Senegal), Daouda Badiane, Saîdou Moustapha Sall, Abdoulaye Deme, and Arona Diedhiou:  Comparative Study of the West African Continental, Coastal, and Marine Atmospheric Profiles during the summer of 2006


Wang, Guiling (Univ. Connecticut), Miao Yu, Y. Xue, Chenming Ji: Modeling the Impact of Land Cover Changes on West African Monsoon Using a Regional Climate Model: Sensitivity to Lateral Boundary Conditions


Hagos, Samson (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), Lai-Yung Leung, Y. Xue, Aaron Anthony Boone, Maoyi Huang, JinHo Yoon: Assessment of Uncertainties in the Response of the African Monsoon Precipitation to Land Use Change in Regional Model Simulations


Gu, Yu (UCLA) and Y. Xue: Dust Aerosol Impact on the Sahel Climate: A GCM Investigation of Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions.


Liu, Yuwei (UC Berkeley) and John C H Chiang: Extratropical North Atlantic SST influence on Sahel rainfall


VII. Final Discussions: New WAM Research and Future WAMME Plan: 5pm-6pm (Chairs: Xue, Lau)


Dinner  7PM