The 2nd WAMME Workshop Announcement
Dear All, Our AGU session receives a large number of abstracts and AGU has kindly responded favorably to our request to have our oral session early in the week. Now, we will have a very high quality and exciting oral session scheduled for Monday (Dec. 9) afternoon (See attached oral and poster presentations). Additionally, we will have a WAMME workshop on Sunday, December 8, 1 – 6 pm at the Marriott Marquis, Room: Sierra B. Thanks for AGU and NSF’s support for this workshop. This workshop will be posted on the AGU Annual Meeting website.
We have also received very positive response to our workshop. According to the information we received, we will have the following invited speakers: Dr. Serge Janicot (representing AMMA), Dr. Peter Lamb (Univ. of Oklahoma), Dr. Christophe Peugeot (representing ALMIP), Dr. Michela Biasutti (Columbia Univ), and Dr. Andreas Fink (Univ. of Koeln). They will present ideas for the future WAM research, the current AMMA activity, lessons in in the CMIP5 Projections on WAM, and new horizons in WAM research. Moreover, four invited African scientists, Dr. Ernest A. Afiesimama (Nigeria), Dr. Ibrah Seidou Sanda (Niger), Dr. Dieudonné Pascal Yaka (Burkina Faso), and Dr. Mouhamed LY (Senegal/Niger) will present results of their current WAM studies.
The WAMME working group will present the preliminary WAMME-II results. New WAM researches will also be presented. These include Dr. Lau of NASA’s presentation on observations of dust impact on WAM and Atlantic ITCZ convection; Dr. Chin of NASA’s presentation on the decadal aerosol trend in North Africa based on latest data and analysis results; Dr. De Sales of UCLA’s presentation on the impact of satellite derived biomass on the WAM; and Dr. Ma of Livermore Lab’s presentation on impact of African land surface process on the tropical Pacific Ocean flow, especially the ENSO frequency and seasonal variability. Other investigations on the aerosols, SST, land, and regional modeling will also be presented. We hope these presentations will stimulate more discussions regarding our current understanding of WAM climate variability and change, especially droughts, future research directions and relationships of WAMME with IPCC and other ongoing national and international programs. We will have a discussion session and every workshop attendant is welcome to participate in the discussions on these issues.
After the workshop, we will have a diner event Sunday evening to facilitate more social interactions between the workshop attendances. Please let us (fsales@ucla.edu) know if you will attend the workshop, so we can have rough ideas and make proper arrangements for the meeting room. Please also let us know should you have any suggestions.
The WAMME Workshop website has been established (under www.wamme.geog.ucla.edu). We appreciate our local organization committee members’ excellent efforts (Drs. Gu, De Sales, and Zhang of UCLA and Dr. Kim of NASA) in working on preparing the AGU session and workshop.
WAMME Working Group