West African Monsoon 

Modeling and Evaluation

  WAMME Initiative
  Experiment - I
  West  African Monsoon and its Modeling Special Issue
  WAMME-2 Documents
   WAMME-2 Models
   WAMME-2 Experiments
   WAMME-2 Forcing
   WAMME-2 Output List
   WAMME-2 Participants
  Working Group
  Highlights of new  African simulations
 WAMME Related:
  AMMA International
  UCAR Africa Initiative

Output List


(Binary format in lat/lon grid)


 Monthly mean 3D variables (over the entire domain):

(Levels: 1000, 950, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 hPa)

1). Temperature (K)                                                                              ta

2). Zonal wind     (m/sec)                                                                     ua

3). Meridional wind   (m/sec)                                                               va

4). Specific humidity     (g/kg)                                                              hus

5). Total diabatic heating  (K/day)                                                      tdh

 6). Vertical velocity (Pa/s)                                                                  omega 

 7). Geopotential height                                                                       ha


Monthly mean 2D variables (over the entire domain):

1). Sea level pressure                                      (Pa)                           slp

2). Precipitation                                                (mm/day)                   pr

3). Convective precipitation                            (mm/day)                   conpre

4). Surface air temperature (2m)                    (K)                              tas

5). Surface air specific humidity (2m)            (K)                              huss

6). Zonal surface wind speed (10m)              (m/sec)                      uas

7). Meridional surface wind speed (10m)     (m/sec)                       vas

8). Surface latent heat flux                              (w/m2)                         hfls

9). Surface sensible heat flux                         (w/m2)                         hfss

10). Surface ground heat flux                         (w/m2)                         hfgs

11). Surface downwelling LW radiation        (w/m2)                         rlds

12). Surface upwelling LW radiation             (w/m2)                         rlus

13). Surface downwelling SW radiation       (w/m2)                         rsds

14). Surface upwelling SW radiation            (w/m2)                         rsus

15). SW downwelling radiative flux at TOA  (w/m2)                         rsdt

16). SW upwelling radiative flux at TOA       (w/m2)                         rsut

17). LW upwelling radiative flux at TOA        (w/m2)                         rlut

18). Total soil water content                           (m)                               tsw

19). Soil wetness at the first soil layer                                               ssw

20). Soil wetness at the rooting zone                                                srw

21). Runoff                                                       (mm/sec)                     roff

22). Total cloud cover fraction                                                            ttlccv

23). Convective available potential energy (CAPE)                        cape

24).  Topography (m)                                                                          topo

25).   Sea surface temperature  (°K)                                                 sst


Variables with diurnal variation (hourly output) over Sahel (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 25°N)

1). Precipitation                                              (mm/sec)                     pdiur

2). Surface air temperature (2m, or T at canopy air space)  (K)     tdiur

3). Latent heat flux                                          (w/m2)                          lhdiur

4). Sensible heat flux                                      (w/m2)                         shdiur

5). Boundary layer height                                (m)                            blhdiur


Variables with 6 hour outputs over Sahel (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 25°N)

1). Specific humidity at 950hPa                              (g/kg)                      s9506hr

2)  Geopotential height  at 950hpa                                                         za9506hr

3). Zonal wind at 950 hPa                                        (m/sec)                   u9506hr

4). Meridional wind at 950 hPa                                 (m/sec)                 v9506hr   

5). Temperature at 950hPa                                     (K)                           t9506hr


Variables with daily variation over North Africa (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 35°N)

1). Surface air temperature (2m, or T at canopy air space) (K)            tday

2). Latent heat flux                                                                (w/m2)           lhday

3). Sensible heat flux                                                            (w/m2)           shday

4). SW downwelling radiative flux at the surface               (w/m2)           rsdsday

5). SW upwelling radiative flux at the surface                    (w/m2)           rsusday

6). LW downwelling radiative flux at the surface                (w/m2)          rldsday

7). LW upwelling radiative flux at the surface                    (w/m2)           rlusday

8). CAPE                                                                                                    capeday

9). zonal wind at 200 hPa                                                    (m/sec)        ua200day

10). zonal wind at 850 hPa                                                  (m/sec)        ua850day

11). meridional wind at 850 hPa                                         (m/sec)        va850day

12). Specific humidity at 850hPa                                        (g/kg)           sa850day

13).  Atmospheric temperature at 850mb                          (K)               ta850day

14).   Precipitation                                                                (mm/day)