West African Monsoon 

Modeling and Evaluation

  Forcing and   Boundary Data
  Output Data
  Data/Model Output Access
  Models GCM RCM



Output list:



(Binary format in lat/lon grid)




Monthly mean 3D variables (over the entire domain):

(Levels: 1000, 950, 900, 850, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 hPa)  

1) Temperature (K) ta
2) Zonal wind (m/s) ua
3) Meridional wind (m/s) va
4) Specific humidity (g/kg) hus
5) Cloud fraction cl
6) Total diabatic heating (K/day) tdh
7) Vertical velocity                                                                 (Pa/s) omega


Monthly mean 2D variables (over the entire domain):

1) Sea level pressure (hPa) slp
2) Precipitation (mm/day) pr
3) Large scale precipitation (mm/day) lspre
4) Convective precipitation (mm/day) conpre
5) Surface air temperature (2m) (K) tas
6) Surface air specific humidity (2m) (g/kg) huss
7) Zonal surface wind speed (10m) (m/s) uas
8) Meridional surface wind speed (10m) (m/s) vas
9) Surface latent heat flux (W/m2) hfls
10) Vegetation interception loss (W/m2) evap
11) Transpiration (W/m2) etv
12)  Soil evaporation (W/m2) esoil
13) Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) hfss
14) Surface ground heat flux (W/m2) hfgs
15) Surface downwelling LW radiation (W/m2) hfgs
16) Surface upwelling LW radiation (W/m2) rlus
17) Surface downwelling SW radiation (W/m2) rsds
18) Surface upwelling SW radiation (W/m2) rsus
19) SW downwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rsdt
20) SW upwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rsut
21) LW upwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rlut
22) Total precipitable water (mm) iwp
23) Total soil water content (m) tsw
24) Soil wetness at the first soil layer ssw
25) Soil wetness at the rooting zone srw
26) Runoff (mm/day) roff
27) Total cloud cover fraction ttlccv
28) Integrated convective heating (K/day) q1
29) Convective available potential energy (CAPE) (J/kg) cape
30) Convective inhibition (CIN) (J/kg) cin
31) Aerosol optical depth aod
32) Geopotential height at 500mb (gpm) geop500
33) Geopotential height at 850mb (gpm) geop850

34)  Topography  

(m) topo

35)  Sea surface temperature                                       

(K) sst

36) Surface skin temperature                                        

(K) Tskin


Variables with diurnal variation (hourly output) over Sahel (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 25°N)


1) Precipitation (mm/day) pdiur
2) Surface air temperature (2m, or T at canopy air space) (K) tdiur
3) Latent heat flux (W/m2) lhdiur
4) Sensible heat flux (W/m2) shdiur
5) Boundary layer height (m) blhdiur
6) Aerosol optical depth aerosdiur
7) Cloud top height (m) cthdiur


* NOTE 1 - 4 are hourly averages


Variables with 6 hour outputs over Sahel (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 25°N)


1) Zonal wind at 600 hPa (m/s) u6006hr
2) Meridional wind at 700hPa (m/s) v7006hr
3) Specific humidity at 850mb (g/kg) s8506hr

4) Zonal wind at 950 hPa                                                       

(m/sec) u9506hr
5) Meridional wind at 950 hPa  (m/sec)  v9506hr

6) Temperature at 950hPa 

(K)  t9506hr



Variables with daily variation over North Africa (20°W to 30°E°, 0° to 35°N)


1) Surface air temperature (2m, or T at canopy air space) (K) tday
2) Latent heat flux (W/m2) lhday
3) Sensible heat flux (W/m2) shday
4) SW downwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rsdtday
5) SW upwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rsutday
6) SW downwelling radiative flux at the surface (W/m2) rsdsday
7) SW upwelling radiative flux at the surface (W/m2) rsusday
8) LW downwelling radiative flux at the surface (W/m2) rldsday
9) LW upwelling radiative flux at the surface (W/m2) rlusday
10) LW upwelling radiative flux at TOA (W/m2) rlutday
11) CAPE (J/kg) capeday
12) zonal wind at 200 hPa (m/s) ua200day
13) zonal wind at 850 hPa (m/s) ua850day
14) meridional wind at 850 hPa (m/s) va850day
15) Specific humidity at 850hPa (g/kg) sa850day
16) Geopotential height at 500hPa (gpm) za500day
17) Atmospheric temperature at 850mb (K) ta850day
18) Atmospheric temperature at 500mb (K) ta500day
19) Boundary layer height (m) blhday
20) Aerosol optical depth aerosday
21) Cloud liquid water (g/kg) clwdday
22) Cloud ice water (g/kg) ciwdday

23) Precipitation                              

(mm/day) pday